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Pulse Express with MAX30102 and MAX32664D

pulse express

If you don't already have one, you can buy a board from here

Pulse Express is an efficient and versatile breakout board with integrated high-sensitivity optical sensors (MAX30102) and also a chip that does the calculations (biometric sensor hub MAX32664D). Integrating Maxim’s MAX32664 Version D makes Pulse Express unique, with an internal algorithm that works to measure different data as you start. With its built-in low power capability, the board is suitable for any wearable health for finger-based applications.


  • Integrates a high-sensitivity pulse oximeter and heart rate sensor (MAX30102).
  • Integrated biometric sensor hub (MAX32664)
  • In-built accelerometer for robust detection and compensation of motion artifacts(Optional).
  • Easy-to-use I2C interface to connect to any host microcontroller.
  • Ultra-Low Power
  • Dimensions: 35 mm x 17 mm

Hardware Setup

Connection with the Arduino board is as follows:

MAX32664 pin label Arduino Connection Pin Function
SDA A4 Serial Data
SCL A5 Serial Clock
Vin +5V Power Supply
RESET Pin 04 Reset

Software Setup

Protocentral has already written the Arduino library for Pulse Express. You can obtain it by clicking the below button or by downloading it from Pulse Express Github repository.

Download the latest Arduino Code for Pulse Express

Follow the instructions described in the Installing Arduino Library section, search for Protocentral Pulse Express SpO2 Heartrate and BPT sensor in the Library Manager and install the latest version.

Arduino Examples

PPG Streaming in Arduino Plotter

  • Open serial plotter window, set the baud rate to 115200.
  • Place your finger on the sensor as shown in the image and view the ppg signal in the serial plotter.

    finger placement

    Raw mode output

BPT Estimation

  • Update the spo2 calibration variables and your typical BP systolic and diastolic values in the algorithm-mode.ino file.
  • Open serial monitor and keep your finger on the sensor until calibration progress reaches 100 %.
  • Wait for few seconds for the algorithm data to settle.

    Algorithm mode output

PPG Streaming in Openview

  • Based on the microcontroller either download Openview GUI as described here or download Openview 2 as described here

  • Place your finger on the sensor, select Pulse Express under the Board dropdown and and the appropriate Port. Click on Start, the streaming will begin.

PPG streaming